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I'm a Canadian now residing in Sunny Arizona since 2002. Although I've been a city girl all of my life, I've always loved the country and the laid back life it offers. My love of the Outdoors, Animals,and Gardening comes from my mom Cecile, who loved her home in the country, but sadly passed away in 2005. I promised her I would grow a garden in her name, And I finally did, five years later. One of my best memories of her is how much she loved her garden. The glow on her face when she would show me something new, always creating a life with things she loved. She loved all animals. She taught me simplicity, to enjoy the small things, and see beauty in everything. Today I find myself doing the same things she did in her garden and in life. This blog was created to keep track of my projects and adventures. They may not all be successes, but my goal is to remain unintimidated by whatever engages my curiosity. I want to share this adventure with those who can appreciate the small things, the trial and errors, the simplicity in it all, but mostly,what my mom knew how to do best,just have FUN! *This blog is dedicated to her*

Nov 29, 2010

Eventfull Long Weekend

I love the fact that I got everything done that I set out to do and more over the long weekend. I now have a fresh coat of paint in my kitchen, and managed to paint the concrete floors in the bedrooms too (while I wait to replace it with wood flooring) Looks much more attractive. That's on top of my regular household chores.

But I wasn't expecting to deal with my dog's bad luck. My old Fat Guy who is about 15 had what I think could be a mild stroke last week, partially paralizing his hind legs. I didn't want to rush to the vet instead, keep him comfortable in his own home with pain medicine and I carefully observed him.
Thankfully he got better within 2 days. I have no clue what happened or why, but at his age with arthritis and his obesity I can expect some issues.
And just as he seems like he had found his youth again he decided to catch a bee....and eat it! :(  his jaw swelled up quickly and within a half hour he had a severe allergic reaction to the bee sting which caused him to tremble and yelp. His eyes were changing, I thought he was going into seizures and die in my arms.
He kept digging his head into my side, as if demanding comfort. Poor old guy, I felt helpless until I remembered to give him allergy medicine and sure enough, within an hour he was fast asleep. He looked much more comfortable.
He woke up refreshed with a wagging tail. He also got his huge appetite back.
I guess I can be thankfull that this happened while I had the opportunity to spend time with him.
My hens were cackling up a storm too, the loudest they've ever been! I'm beginning to think that one of them thinks she's a rooster. But ohhhh what good eggs they deliver.
Yep, Eventfull 4 day weekend.

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