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I'm a Canadian now residing in Sunny Arizona since 2002. Although I've been a city girl all of my life, I've always loved the country and the laid back life it offers. My love of the Outdoors, Animals,and Gardening comes from my mom Cecile, who loved her home in the country, but sadly passed away in 2005. I promised her I would grow a garden in her name, And I finally did, five years later. One of my best memories of her is how much she loved her garden. The glow on her face when she would show me something new, always creating a life with things she loved. She loved all animals. She taught me simplicity, to enjoy the small things, and see beauty in everything. Today I find myself doing the same things she did in her garden and in life. This blog was created to keep track of my projects and adventures. They may not all be successes, but my goal is to remain unintimidated by whatever engages my curiosity. I want to share this adventure with those who can appreciate the small things, the trial and errors, the simplicity in it all, but mostly,what my mom knew how to do best,just have FUN! *This blog is dedicated to her*

Nov 22, 2011


I harvested my beans  :) odd sizes and wierd shapes. That's what I love about gardening. Nothing is perfect  :)

Nov 18, 2011

Weekend Escape

Well, not the whole weekend, but I will be heading up north to visit a good friend, time to get away for a day and enjoy the Autumn landscapes of Northern Arizona. I will purposely take the long route there, take a stroll in the mountains and stop to enjoy the scenery of the canyons. And certainly take tons of pictures. I am hoping to take a walk in the small surrounding towns,and visit some Antique and Second hand shops, maybe find myself a little treasure to take home. :) The snow will soon take over the mountain tops there, so making the time to go visit this corner of paradise and have lunch in a small café with my friend will be enjoyable since I will not return until the Spring.

Nov 16, 2011

Food Prices on the Rise

With the rising cost of food and the holidays around the corner, what a good time it is to stock up on necessities and canned goods. I heard this would be the most expensive Thanksgiving Dinner everyone will know. So taking advantage by cutting coupons and seeking deals is the way to go. There's never enough in the pantry. Food preservation is becoming more and more important in my life.

My vegetables are doing great in the garden, I cannot wait to harvest and start canning and dehydrating :) This season I will make some pickled beets, pickled carrots & parsnips, and tomato sauce. I will also make soup mix with a variety of onions and herbs for my soups and stews. Dehydrating is easy when drying herbs and fruits.
The giant cabbage looks like I will have enough to make plenty of cabbage soup!, a childhood comfort food favorite :)

Nov 7, 2011

A Fine Weekend

Rain made its way into the Valley over the weekend, some much needed moisture cleared the air. I haven't watered my vegetables in days :) I did lots of trimming in the garden; and found little surprises hidden behind the leaves. Some baby tomatoes! The garden is looking great, the soil is so rich and dark. I have a great looking garden this season :)
I almost got 2 more hens for the flock. I was hesitant, this will take some patience and I would have to keep a close watch since there's a pecking order and it may turn ugly. I may do it next weekend, all depending on my willingness to take that chance.

I took the time to visit the State Fairgrounds too. I was brought back in time when me and my mom went to the local fair in the country. This really made me miss her. She enjoyed seeing the farm animals especially. As I walked around and visited the baby goats I couldn't help but hear her laugh. As if she were right there with me. She loved the Country Fairs.

While there I watched a beautiful Native Hoop Dancer from the Hopi Tribe. I was mesmerized by his skills. The sound of the flute nearly brought me to tears.
I also made Pumpkin Cheesecake.Yummy.
It was a great weeekend :)